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002 2024/07/25(木) 18:29:10 ID:iM5FoRQVaQ
According to video tweeted by O’Reilly’s “No Spin News,” the former Fox News host says, “Both the President and I are vaxxed” and then asks Trump, “Did you get the booster?”
“Yes,” Trump says to a smattering of boos in the audience. “Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t,” Trump says in the video, seemingly trying to quiet the boos. “That’s all right, it’s a very tiny group over there.”
CNN has reached out to a Trump spokesperson for more details on the former President’s decision to get the booster shot.
In a longer video later tweeted by O’Reilly’s site, Trump warns supporters that they are “playing right into their hands” when they dismiss the vaccines and don’t take credit for them.
“Look, we did something that was historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me,” Trump says in the video, which comes right before Trump receives the smattering of boos.
He goes on to say that Covid-19 was going to “ravage the country far beyond what it is right now” if the vaccines had not been developed.
“Take credit for it. Take credit for it. It’s great. What we’ve done is historic. Don’t let them take it away. Don’t take it away from ourselves,” Trump says. “You are playing right into their hands when you sort of like, ‘oh, the vaccine.’ If you don’t want to take it, you shouldn’t be forced to take it. No mandates. But take credit, because we saved tens of millions of lives. Take credit. Don’t let them take that away from you.”
Unvaccinated people face a 10 times greater risk of testing positive and 20 times greater risk of dying from Covid-19 than fully vaccinated people who have also received a booster, according to data published recently by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC data – which assesses data through October – suggests the gap in risk between unvaccinated people and those with a booster is even larger than it is between unvaccinated people and those who are fully vaccinated with their initial series. Unvaccinated people face a five times greater risk of testing positive for Covid-19 and 14 times greater risk of dying from Covid-19 than fully vaccinated people do, according to the CDC data.


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